Luke has qualified in other golf related seminars: Active release techniques full body, SFMA,TPI level one & TPI level two.

Golf is a physically demanding sport, which requires the treating therapist to have a specific, in depth knowledge of swing mechanics. Only once this knowledge is guaranteed can the practitioner adequately advice you on treatment, exercises and return to play.
Luke Neal has undertaken further study in the area of golf, being only one of two TPI (titlest performance institute) medical level 2 certified practitioners in the province. The TPI qualifications go into detail around not only swing mechanics, injury mechanics and exercises but also how to do a physical screen to assess how the joints in a golfers body move. This information is then used to help guide you on the best swing style for you, not forcing you into swing styles that you are physically incapable of doing. The benefits of this should be obvious, but if you are struggling to perform a full backswing how do you know if you are being limited by your hip, back, shoulder or neck?
“If you’re not assessing your guessing!”
Luke has had the ability to work with numerous golfers of a high standard providing performance based care, as well as injury management. Most of Luke’s golf clientele are amateur, keen retired golfers. Treatment is not just about the fine details of the professions, but also providing the hands-on care to keep people playing for as long as possible. As our bodies age, we tend to stiffen up, and the ability to mitigate this for golf is of upmost importance.
One of the key parts of the modern golf management is integration and communication between the golf professional, the medical professional and the strength and conditioning therapist (personal trainer). To provide long lasting results the three different professions must all be “singing from the same hymn sheet” effective communication is underpinned by a common language and TPI certifications provide that vehicle.
Luke has built relationships with a golf professional, as well as strength and conditioning practitioners, this network relies on inter-referrals, for instance, someone presents to Luke with back pain, Luke assess, treats and helps reduce the pain which was deemed to the product of a swing fault. Only once Luke has referred onto the golf professional to correct the swing fault can we really be comfortable the back pain will not return.
“If we do not correct the swing fault that led to the back pain, the patient will only return in a few months with the same problem”
We offer our customers bespoke multi-modal care to make sure we meet their exact needs returning them to full function as quickly as possible. Take a look at some of our reviews…